爱吃客葡萄酒S1 HD

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Developer: EnjoyGourmet

欧美有《Wine Spectator》及Robert Parker的《Wine Advocate》,亚洲现在则有属于自己的优质“爱吃客指南”!由艾哲庸领军的“爱吃客品酒团”实地在中国品尝上千款葡萄酒后,挑选出其中100支佼佼者,并针对气候条件、运输过程、储藏方式等差异,给予最客观中立的评鉴;另外,本书考虑到入门者与行家需求的不同,以普通价位、中价位、高价位、典藏级等,将精选葡萄酒分类,面面俱到,堪称知性与感性的结晶,绝对有助于读者选购及鉴赏葡萄酒的功力。“爱吃客指南”不接受任何葡萄酒广告,一切以质量为评选依据。此外,“爱吃客指南”在欧洲葡萄酒盛会~意大利名酒协会(Vinitaly),获得了“2011年全球最优质葡萄酒指南”,是2011年亚洲唯一得奖刊物,也是中国首次得奖刊物。


The west has notable wine guides like Wine Spectator and Robert Parker’s Wine Advocate and now in Asia we have the “ISACS Guides”. John Isacs and esteemed regional advisors and the ISACS Grapevine Community selected 100 great wines from thousands of wines that were all tasted in China. Based on differences in climate, shipping and storage, wines tasted in China may well be different than those tasted in the west. This makes ISACS Guides more reliable than guides that doing tasting in other countries. Professional and impartial reviews are provided in the categories of Moderate Price Wines, Medium Price Wines, Expensive Wines, Collector Wines, etc., with a view to meet the needs of beginners to wine masters alike. ISACS Guides accepts no advertisement from wine importers or producers and all the wines in the guide book are selected by merit alone. Furthermore, ISACS Guides was awarded the “Best International Wine Guide 2011” by one of Europe’s most important and prestigious wine associations ~ Comitato Grandi Crud’ Italia (Vinitaly), making ISACS Guide the first award winning wine guide from China, and the only award winning wine guide from Asia for 2011.

Fluent in Chinese, the author John Isacs comes from a well-known western gourmet family and has been exposed to the culture of cuisine and wine for over 40 years. In addition to having various certificates in wine knowledge and appreciation, John provides integrated marketing and event services to many wine regions, chamber of commerces, and trade offices including EUCCC, New Zealand Trade office, Italian Trade Office, and numerous others. Furthermore, John plans and conducts high-level VIP wine dinners and wine classes for many companies, including Air China, Cathay Pacific Airline, Société Générale, Diageo, Sony Ericsson, etc. Aside from authoring “ISACS Guides”, John is also a wine columnist in various media, including Shanghai Daily, Z-mag, and Money Journal.